What We Wear for the sake of Personal Safety.....

Today we are living in a violent times, and anyone or everyone can be attacked for any reason, and the reasons are many. Plenty of reasons can lead to a different kinds of attacks....

By choosing what to wear can prevent mostly an urge to a possibility of an attack....

Yes it is true that what we wear is truly creates a reason or reasons for an Invitation to an Attack..... so the purpose of this blogspot is for the internet reader be more aware of his/her personal appearance and for the impact to others to prevent an urge.....

Just to make it sure what we wear to think several times by presenting ourselves in public.....

Truly in Martial Arts that one of the basic principles is on how to avoid confrontation and how to avoid danger and to win a battle without fighting..... this refers to such precautions as traveling by company or by groups and stay away from areas that may lead to jeopardy....

as this precautions can help ensure personal safety, taking precautions about what we wear can also help us in order to avoid a hostile situations.

The Safety Points to Remember:

1. Avoidance is the best form of self-defense.

2. Skills must be used defensively.

3. The defender must not consciously provoke or antagonize an attack.

4. the defender must not risk his own life, or another's over material goods.

5. Use your martial arts as a last recourse.

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